sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016

The reason of the blog!

Hi bloggers, today I'm going to talk you about the reason of this project. I'm on highschool and I'm doing a really interesting and different subject, it's called Digital Humanities (DH). Maybe some of you don't know which is it meaning so I'm briefly going to explain you:

DH appeared because of the improvments of technology in all the world and the great impact their had in the
human life. It tries to combine the humanitites whit the different tools that technology offers us.
Inspite, DH have a lot of different difinitions because it is a very new subject but if you want a longer explanation here I leave you a link.

This blog is considered a DH project and I've also searched for different ones, I would explain you a little bit about them.

1. Art Workshops in a website: it is a website where you can find a lot of workshops, expositions, and things related with are that are made in the capital city of Spain, Madrid. It is considered a DH project because it uses a website to spread art.

2. Photography's history: it is a timeline made with a tool of interent that shows all the history of photography, which is in the field of humanitites. This tool is amazing, you can organize all the knowledge you have year by year!

3. History, humor and YouTube: have you ever heard about YouTube? I'm sure you have! This person has created a channel where uploads history videos with a touch of humor! He/She uploads them chronologically so, you can finde there a lot of useful information.

I hope you'd like the post and... why don't you try to write your difinition of DH in the comments? Thank you!

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